Wednesday, May 10, 2006

when greys cease to exist..

hands outstretched, frantically searching for a crevice and feet groping for a hold on the slippery edge, she looked down, only to see that the cliff she was hanging her dear life onto was miles above the sea. she closed her eyes - the whole universe seemed deatheningly still; there was no sign of existence apart from the distant roaring waves and the cold wind - both, silent spectators to a death, a ghastly fall from there could do.

it was hard to shake away the tiredness that kept plunging her into a deep sleep while her energy was waning away in just trying to hang on. one final lunge, was all she could make. and that final attempt would decide her survival.. the possibilities were never more clear - she would either live or die; no twisted fate and no god could change it.

when each day meant a multitude of choices to choose from and choosing the easiest one always meant a compromise - a mindless jumble of infinite possibilities and unforeseen consequences, this day seemed to be fair in an unfair was ironic but life suddenly took a binary turn and the million shades of grey ceased to exist.